Yesterday we reported…

Ely is taking a bold step this spring and we are with them hook, line and sinker. We are tired of the online hustle, bustle of social media. Enough we say! So we’ve cut the cord on the broadband around the resort. We’re saying so long to Facebook and hello Face to Face.

You say RSS; we say SOS – save our sanity. The Huffington Post is helping us spread the word:

“The only thing online here is a fish. And why would anyone need Pinterest?” Ross Petersen, Mayor of Ely, said in a statement. “We have a big bulletin board over at the grocery store for that sort of thing. Or the Twitter? We have at least 140 characters right here, living in Ely. And don’t even get me started on the kids listening to their Zunes.”

And of course the timing of the message is important – Happy April Fool’s Day!!

But the message is important too – after all weren’t you just a little intrigued when you read the headline? Think about a week away from “being on and being online.” Think of the thoughts you’d be thinking if you just took the time.

We invite you to take the time this spring or summer to join us in the Northwoods for a week or even just a weekend. Bring the kids, or not. Bring the smartphone or just explain to your boss and clients that they are banned. We’re happy to write you the permission slip!

Today we’re excited to see that the story made the NBC Nightly News last night!