Birch Lake, Minnesota Map
Miles to Timber Bay from:
Duluth 100
Mpls/St. Paul 235
Des Moines 485
Chicago 600
Directions to Timber Bay: Timber bay is located on Birch Lake near Babbitt, Minnesota 15 miles south of Ely.
From Mpls/St. Paul
T take Interstate 35 north to Cloquet (approx: 20 miles south of Duluth).
Follow highway 33 thru Cloquet to highway 53.
Continue north on highway 53 to highway 169 5 miles north of Virginia, MN.
Turn right on 169, go 7 miles and turn right on County Road 21 to Babbitt.
Timber Bay is located one mile east of Babbitt on County Road 70.